As I’ve mentioned before, I am 26. I’ve hit the back nine. Life is over!!! (For those of you who don’t know what the back nine is, google is an awesome learning tool. I suggest avoiding urban dictionary as I’m referring to golf you sickos!) Side note: I’m banned from playing golf on the account of this one time I nearly killed a seagull at the driving range. Nearly may also have been the wrong word choice. I didn’t check his pulse or anything, but his head was slightly detached and he wasn’t moving. It just so happened that earlier that day a bird shit on my Stella McCartney bag. Coincidence? I don’t think so… karma’s a #@%&$! Anyway, back to the back nine. Less than 5 years until the big 3-0! When the heck did that happen? Almost two weeks ago! My golden birthday, 26 on the 26th. I had enough cake to last me 26 days! Three birthday cakes, one pair of skinny jeans, and zero working out.
When I got back from Miami, I could hardly walk. I had been running 3-4 miles everyday and my piriformis muscle tensed up and was pinching my sciatic nerve. Something like that! I’m no doctor. Placing weight on my right leg was excruciating. I promised myself to take it easy and eat! Yes, EAT! It’s funny how my body works these days. When I was younger, I was a string bean and the second I hit college, my weight became a struggle. Freshmen fifteen, whatever you want to call it, it happened and it was like that annoying little brother you want to get rid of but can’t. I struggled keeping my weight at a good place for years, until I turned 24 and began to shed off all that excess fat and cellulite and began to see muscle definition again. I went from constantly stressing over losing weight and being fit for swimsuits to constantly trying to gain weight to fit sample clothes and fill out bikini tops. My tatas took off on a vacation and I’m still searching for their whereabouts! This year I finally find myself at my healthiest. Heck, I’m old now and if I want to continue modeling, I have to keep up with the 16 years that haven’t had their metabolisms decide to peace out just yet. The determination to be the best I can be put me a bit on the thin side and I was told I could gain 5 pounds, again. I used to stress over this, “what if it goes to undesirable places?” “what if I gain too much?” “When have I gained enough?” However now, I love when I’m told I can eat more, especially in time for my birthday!
Three birthday cakes… destroyed! A pair of skinny jeans that still fit, but are occasionally unbuttoned! I have to say this was such an amazing birthday! I watched the sunrise on the lake and had a killer homemade breakfast with my boyfriend. We went fishing and had an afternoon glass of wine with a delicious cake he baked himself. He knows the way to my heart! Ladies, definitely hold out for a guy like this! Needless to say, we ate half of the cake, the other half was intended to be brought home for my mom to try, but I ate most of it in the car on the way home! I’m not even sure I admitted that to him!!! The day after my birthday, I spent celebrating at the Food and Wine Festival at EPCOT with my family. We ate and drank around the world and I was tempted to do a second lap but no one really looked like they wanted to roll me out of there and I knew I had another cake waiting for me at home. Boston cream pie! Yummmm! My mom is better than your mom at baking! You don’t have to believe me, and I don’t want to invite you for a taste because I want it all for myself! Anyhow, I am so thankful for the people I have in my life and how much they share my love for sweet things. Here’s a little recap from my Golden Birthday.